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Ep. #108: What We Underestimate in Weight Loss 2.0

We are still in our 2.0 series, and this episode we are going back to the basics of being human -yes, basics that we underestimate.

We have some basic things our bodies need to survive – Water, Sleep, Food, and Air.

Without them you will die.

Our bodies are amazing – we as humans have evolved into these amazing beings.

But as time as gone on – we are busy, we overlook how important some of the basics are to our bodies.

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into the basics we need to pay attention to for our bodies.

I will give you simple tools, that just take a few minutes, that will help our bodies become stronger, more relaxed and a sense of calm. Our bodies need us to pay attention, instead of being disconnected – to give our bodies what they need.

Are you ready to come into awareness and out of survival mode?

And make sure you subscribe to our podcast. You can do that by hitting the follow button, clicking on the + sign in Apple or hitting the subscribe button wherever you are listening. This way every Wednesday, I am in your library.

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How not getting enough sleep or water in is just a trigger for overeating
  • Buffering is just a way that we disconnect from ourselves
  • How being disconnected from our bodies leads us to overeating

Transformational Questions/Actions:

  1. How can you remind yourself to take a moment and breath?
  2. Why do you want to do it?
  3. Go back and listen to episode 11

50% Complete

Two Step

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