Today is the last installment of our 2.0 series, and I want to dive into holidays and how to decide on purpose how you want to feel on 01/02/2022.
Holiday time is here. October is time for all the Halloween candy, then Thanksgiving feasts, and then Christmas – and all those treats!
Holidays are events, days, celebrations, a day of festivity – time for family, when no work is done.
I have designed my holidays, so I enjoy them.
You get to decide what you want the holidays to mean to you.
Join me in this episode as I dive deep into how we have tied food to our holidays and celebrations and how to break free from that thinking. How to break the people pleasing. How to make new traditions that don’t have anything to do with food.
I will give you tips on how to heal your relationship with food and ourselves.
Give a gift to your future self now. How do you want to feel on 01/02/2022?
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In today’s episode, you will discover:
Transformational questions/actions:
50% Complete
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