Being on the diet roller coaster can lead us to look for some extreme solutions, right, ladies? Magical pills or shakes that seem to be the answer aren’t, and they just make us want to throw in the towel even more when they don’t work.
I’m sharing two tools that are often overlooked but absolutely crucial to losing weight for good with you today, and I want you to stay with me here. When you find out what they are, you might think, “I’ve heard this before, but does it really help?” When I hit plateaus in my diet, after eating on plan and eating foods that fuel me, I looked to these two tools and loves, the weight dropped even more.
Join me this week to learn more about these two really simple, free tools that will keep your weight loss journey going. They aren’t necessarily the sexiest things, but I can assure you, they are super effective and will give you other incredible benefits too, besides the weight loss.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
How is your sleep environment? Are you doing everything to ensure you’re getting a restful night of sleep?
50% Complete
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