For most of my life, I was overweight. I developed an overweight identity. As I was losing my weight, I had to step into a new version of myself and develop a new identity. I had to start creating the mindset of a person who was not battling her weight, who loved her body, who did not obsess about food – Developing what I like to call my BFLY identity.
Join me in this episode as I will be talking about our overweight identity, and how to mourn the loss of that overweight identity in order to move on to the next version of yourself.
We have tied so many (false) beliefs around food and what we make it mean about us. Made it our identity. And all it does is sabotage our success and keeps us stuck.
I will teach you how to step into the next version of yourself and how to practice new thoughts and beliefs around this – to let go of your overweight identity once and for all and become your BFLY identity.
And make sure you mark February 9, 2022 on your calendar. Transform will be opening its doors again on that day if you are not already in. You do not want to miss it.
In today’s episode, you will discover:
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