Let’s talk about the right time. I see and hear this a lot. I will start after vacation, or after the holidays, or after the winter.
When we delay starting, we also delay our progress, which ends up delaying our results.
This comes from fear. Fear that you will fail. What if I don’t lose the weight?
I also thought I needed to be perfect. I thought I needed to do everything perfectly.
When we can’t be perfect, then we don’t show up. We will come up with all the excuses – I will start Monday, after Christmas, once there all the “bad” food is out of the house.
This just keeps us stuck on the diet roller coaster.
Join me in this episode as I give you some simple tools to break your diet brain and teach you how to just start today where you are at. Are you ready to learn to fail, but not quit?
And come into Transform Boss Weight Loss on February 9. I will teach you how to lose weight for the last time through freedom, allowance, and love. I want you to come imperfectly, I want you to fail, I want you to ultimately have all the success, but it comes through imperfect action. Small steps forward.
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In today’s episode, you will discover:
Transformational questions/actions:
50% Complete
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