In episode 62, I introduced how I teach self-love and why it is important in your weight loss journey. I taught what self-love means to me – keeping commitments and talking to myself in a way with love. Today I want to dive a little deeper into this concept and why it is a must as you grow and evolve.
I am sure for most of us we were taught from a young age not to appear “too proud” or “too boastful,” not to brag, etc. I think for most of us this just caused us to internalize it to mean don’t be proud of your accomplishments or capabilities, don’t feel beautiful, don’t be too bright and shiny. So, we downplay our accomplishments. We stay small.
This is important to become aware of how this is showing up in your weight loss journey – shoot your life journey. How you are keeping yourself small, and how you are putting limits on how much success and love you can have in your life.
I will teach you how when we love ourselves first, it just expands our capacity to love others. We become less judgmental (including of ourselves).
Self-love is accepting that you are worthy, enough, beautiful, capable, smart, and amazing. It is you stepping into it. It is treating yourself with all the love that you give to others.
Are you ready to learn how to stop keeping yourself small, and now to live your best life in a body you love? I want you to step into the light my love, step into your beauty.
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In today’s episode, you will discover:
Transformational questions/actions:
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