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Ep. #12: Diet Beliefs Busted

If you’ve been on any sort of weight loss journey, I can guarantee you’ve been faced with some diet beliefs that we’ve all been told at some point in our lives. Myths and beliefs about what you should be doing can seem helpful, but today, I want to show you how they’re actually keeping you stuck on the diet roller coaster for good.

Releasing these diet beliefs was crucial to me actually losing weight in the long-term, and I want the same results for you. I’m diving into eight myths today and busting them to show you that all they’re doing is causing you more suffering than necessary, and how you might actually be self-sabotaging your progress by holding onto them.

Join me this week, loves, as I crack eight diet beliefs – of which I’m sure there are hundreds of others out there – to give you a new perspective on how to start losing weight for good. Some of these will be hard to let go of, but I hope this work helps you see that you’ll be better off without them.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What diet beliefs or myths do you have?
  2. What do you have to think to change your diet beliefs?

What You’ll Discover:

  • 8 diet beliefs that are keeping you stuck. 
  • Why you can lose weight without counting calories, points, or macros.
  • How diet beliefs can lead to self-sabotage.
  • Why I believe snacking is always an emotional event.
  • How listening to your body is key to losing weight. 
  • Why you have to learn to love your body now. 

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