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Ep. #120: The Grind of Weight Loss

I am always watching my clients – listening to what they say, what they write, how they show up, what is challenging for them. I study them. Because I love them and want them to have success. 

I know so many of us have made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, so we start a diet and are all in, only to quit after a few weeks because it just wasn’t fun or exciting anymore. The newness wears off, and it just becomes a “grind.”

Join me in this week’s episode as I teach you that the grind is your path to path to freedom from the diet roller coaster, to learning to lose weight for the last time.

I will give you tips and tricks on how to love the grind.

Are you ready to find the fun and excitement in the grind?

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In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How to not quit on your weight loss goals because it is becoming a “grind”
  • When you understand that the grind is coming, that it means you are on the right path
  • That living in a body that feels like freedom outweighs that 2-minute dopamine hit of eating the sugar cookie

Transformational Questions/Actions:

  1. Be aware of the grind.
  2. Practice thoughts around loving the grind, allowing it, expecting it.
  3. Come join us in Transform Boss Weight Loss.

50% Complete

Two Step

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