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Ep. #125: When You Tell Yourself You will Start Tomorrow

In this episode I am talking about the thought “I will start tomorrow” keeps us stuck on the diet rollercoaster.

Our “tomorrow” could mean tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, whatever. But is just putting yourself off.

Join me as I teach you how to honor yourself, your commitments, your belief in yourself – and you become unstoppable.

I will also give you 3 tips on how to stop putting yourself off.

Are you ready to become Unstoppable?

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How you are putting yourself off by telling yourself “I will start tomorrow”
  • How to honor commitments to yourself
  • How to become Unstoppable

Transformational questions/actions:

  1. Become aware of all the “I will start tomorrow” thoughts (they come in different forms) and how they are showing up for you.
  2. Make a plan of one to two actions you want to do like make your realistic plan, get more water, get more sleep, do reflection work. We will list all of those episodes in our show notes.
  3. Decide that you will honor the commitments you make for yourself

50% Complete

Two Step

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