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Ep. #126: How You Talk to Yourself to Lose Weight

Join me in this show as I talk about all the negative self-talk we have and how it impacts us.

Most of our lives day we live mostly in our habit brain – in automatic. It’s just how our brains are wired. Our brain likes to conserve energy.

I will be diving deep into how our brain (aka, Lizzy) likes to be efficient, to keep us safe, and to feel good.

I will teach you how what we believe causes our results, our outcomes. If we believe we will never lose weight well, that is the outcome that we will have.

Are you ready to learn a better way? A way to talk to yourself with love and learn to think new thoughts that can change your outcome?

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • What the river of misery is
  • How our thoughts can sabotage our success
  • How practicing a new one-better thought can lead to weight loss success

Transformational questions/actions:

  1. Start to come into awareness. The easiest way is to ask yourself a question, like “what am I thinking right now?” It is crazy how your brain will answer you. And you might be surprised about what it has to say.
  2. Decide on purpose what you want to start thinking and believing.
  3. Practice the new thought throughout the day.
  4. Know that you will be in the river of misery – it does take more energy at first, but every time you practice the new thought you move one step closer to it becoming part of your habit brain. You are creating a new belief system to get new outcomes.

50% Complete

Two Step

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