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Ep. #138: The Transform Boss Coaches Take Over

Join us in this very special episode where our coaches have taken over the Podcast.

Coach Jenn and Coach Dawn will be talking to us this episode on a few topics that pop up a lot in women’s weight loss journeys.

They will share their insight and the things that have helped them the most.

They will be diving deep into topics such as diet brain or diet mentality, failures, self-love, and changing your mindset.

They will teach you how to believe you are worthy, how you have always been worthy.

How our failures only lead to our success.

How changing your mindset can not only help you in your weight loss journey but in ALL areas of your life, including relationships.

We have hundreds of hours of teaching, tools, and tips so that you can lose weight for the last time. We organize them in a way so you can do a little at a time, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. We are opening on June 14th for 5 days.  Mark it on your calendar because you do not want to miss it! 

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • We have the answers within us, the power is in us, to lose weight for good
  • How to stop fearing failure
  • How self-love improves our relationship with everyone else in our lives
  • The only person we can control is ourselves

50% Complete

Two Step

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