I was on the diet rollercoaster for 38 years – years of gaining, losing, and failing.
I thought 1 year of mindset changed and suddenly I was going to be enlightened.
When you have been on the diet roller coaster, when you have lost and gained weight, you have lots of thoughts and have built up evidence that you will fail.
Join me in this episode as I teach you how to succeed.
To start losing weight for the last time you have to start by practicing a new thought, a new belief.
I will teach you a way to start believing new things about yourself and your weight loss.
How to build evidence for your new beliefs.
Are you ready to believe something new?
And if you have not taken my free course, it will get you started in my fundamentals of losing weight for the last time. Go to freebosscourse.com. Also join me in my 8-week summer fun of Live with Shannan – how to get off the diet rollercoaster for good.
And make sure you mark July 12th on your calendar. Transform Boss Weight Loss will be open for 5 days only, so you will want to make sure you get in!
In today’s episode, you will discover:
50% Complete
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