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Ep. #143: How Focusing on the Outcome Can Stall Your Progress

Staying focused on that number on the scale will keep you stuck on the diet roller coaster.

That number is just data – it does not mean that anything has gone wrong or that you are not good enough.

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into the process to get you from focusing all your attention on that number on that scale.

Focusing on my simple fundamentals, the basics, will lead to your weight loss success – no outcomes attached.  

I will give you 5 key steps to lose weight for the last time.

Are you ready to get off the diet roller coaster for good?

And if you want to go deeper into this work take my free course at

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How focusing on our outcome stalls our success
  • What success really means
  • How everything will not be better when you reach your goal weight – life will still be 50/50

50% Complete

Two Step

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