In today’s episode Shannan teaches how to come into awareness and recognize over-desire for food. If you have been on the weight loss journey and the diet roller coaster, over desire and urges have shown up for you. Shannan teaches us about desire, urges and over desire and how they show up in weight loss. You will learn a three-step process that will help you to stop an urge and desire something less.
In this episode…
≫ [2:30] Desire is a feeling and we take action on that feeling.
≫ [4:07] Urges are feelings that come from a thought.
≫ [5:03] You can have a feeling, an urge, and decide what you want to do next.
≫ [5:12] Over desire is when we over desire something that isn’t giving us the results we want in our life.
≫ [8:00] Understanding and building the evidence that you can desire something less starts with understanding and becoming aware of where you are over desiring something and why do you want to change it.
≫ [8:25] Awareness is the first step in the process of desiring something less.
≫ [9:45] The second step in the process is deciding. Do you want to have the urge?
≫ [10:06] After you decide whether you want to eat or not eat, you stop, disrupt and breathe which is the third part of the process.
≫ [11:49] You can take an extra step and ask yourself questions. Why don’t I want to desire it any longer?