In today’s episode, you will discover how we have defined ourselves by our role instead of who we really are.
We have forgotten what we want for ourselves.
I give you my take on how to decide and create what you want for your life.
In this episode…
≫[2:58] When we start recognizing who we are, when we start seeing our capabilities, our talents, that starts to turn into desires.
≫[3:42] I didn’t really think about curating my life, about creating the life of my dreams, the life that was meant to live on purpose.
≫[4:22] Until you realize what really gets you fired up, you just keep living this life that you don’t recognize.
≫[5:11] You carry extra weight because of how you think and what you feel.
≫[6:05] If you have not worked on your thinking and how it creates feelings in your body, you will live a life that doesn’t look like yours.
≫[7:40] Don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
≫[10:31] What gets you going? What gets you excited?
≫[10:57] We might be overeating foods that we don’t even really like that much.
≫[12:30] I was eating all the things because I was looking for a dopamine hit.
≫[12:56] Getting curious and starting to decide, who am I?
≫[14:38] You deserve to take on the role of being your biggest cheerleader, your biggest advocate.
≫[14:55] Food is such a cheap substitute for the life of your dreams.
50% Complete
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