In today’s episode, you will discover how your inner critic is undermining your success.
The worst critic is the one that’s living in your own brain.
It is important to understand how this inner critic is showing up in your life so that you can change the story and dialogue that you have with yourself.
Starting to challenge those beliefs and starting to talk to yourself more than you listen is how to create different results.
In this episode…
≫[2:18] I want the last four months of the year to be a continuing cycle of growth, of learning and showing up for yourself.
≫[3:50] For most of us, we believe this inner critic, the dialogue that we have, we believe it’s true.
≫[4:46] The inner critic can get really loud and we want to numb it.
≫[5:19] When we numb our feelings, we are also disconnecting from our thinking.
≫[6:69] As you start to become aware, as you start to hear what’s going on in your mind, you’re going to start to hear some of this negative self-talk, this inner critic.
≫[8:18] Part of becoming aware is so you can start talking back to yourself.
≫[9:23] The only thing that we can control is the way we think.
≫[10:18] No one is coming to save you.
≫[10:48] People, because of the way they feel about themselves, outwardly take it out on others.
≫[11:11] The worst critic is the one that’s living in your own brain.
≫[12:01] My take on the inner critic.
≫[12:55] When you feel differently, you do things differently.
≫[13:57] We practice different thinking.
50% Complete
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