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Ep. #205: How Denying Yourself Has Kept You Overweight

In today’s episode, you will discover when we deny our favorite foods or we start labeling food as good or bad, we create a disconnect in our brains.

You may have created a story in your mind that eating everything, whatever you want, is freedom.

I am going to give you my take on the magical combination and what true freedom is.


In this episode…

≫[1:43] I’ve got to lose X amount of weight in X amount of time.

≫[3:45] You are not alone in denying yourself and restriction.

≫[4:26] Psychological Reactance is where you have a natural tendency to resist or react against perceived restrictions or limitations on their freedoms.

≫[6:36] If you ever think to lose weight, you have to restrict, then you’re going against your story of what freedom is.

≫[7:17] Going against your autonomy and your freedom will cause you to rebel against it.

≫[8:21] Very early, I attached that sweets, desserts, were a bad food.

≫[9:15] If you’ve equated eating anything you want or eating large amounts of food to freedom, you’ll keep finding that you’re on the diet roller coaster.

≫[10:15] If you eat more than what you’re burning for fuel, then your body will carry it as fat.

≫[11:00] You have this story that freedom equals eating everything you want in whatever quantity you want.

≫[11:57] I teach them how to start finding their own physical hunger and fullness when they are physically hungry.

≫[12:30] You don’t have to deny yourself the piece of cake or pizza.

≫[12:50] I don’t teach diets and short-term fixes. I want ladies to learn how to heal their relationship with food.

≫[13:53] What freedom is to me.

≫[14:25] The physical weight will never be as heavy as the mental weight.

≫[15:13] My take.


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