Diet culture and the diet industry have been around for centuries.
It has left us feeling broken and that something is wrong with us.
Until you believe that diets don’t work, you will not be able to do the work of long-term weight loss.
In today’s episode, I give you my take on being able to eat what you love without restriction and food losing it’s power over you so that you can heal your relationship with food and yourself.
In this episode…
≫[1:15] Diets kept me on the binge restrict cycle.
≫[2:34] I was socialized to believe that dieting was the way.
≫[3:20] Diet culture and the diet industry is broken and has left us with trauma.
≫[3:56] Until you believe that diets don’t work, you will not be able to do the work of long-term weight loss.
≫[4:50] Carrying extra weight on my body made me believe that I was less.
≫[6:29] I had to lose weight in a way that I could always do, and I was not going to do it by restriction and over exercising.
≫[7:50] Restricting, telling yourself you can’t have something, leads to binging and overeating.
≫[8:15] Find some love and kindness for yourself with some tools and simple techniques that I teach so that you can really start to leave the disordered eating from diets in the past and meeting yourself where you’re at.
≫[8:53] The key to long-term weight loss is learning to eat all the foods and heal your relationship with food.
≫[10:14] My take.
≫[12:54] As you start to leave a bite, check in with your hunger, you’ll start to find some self-regulation.
≫[13:40] As you learn the tools that I teach, you’ll start to lose the power that food has over you.
≫[14:16] You can start your weight loss journey to losing weight for the last time in a way that feels like love, in a way that feels like care for you.