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Ep. #21: How Confirmation Bias Is Keeping You Stuck

As you know by now, our lizard brains need to be challenged consistently. They like to go out and look for evidence for whatever we believe to be true, whether it serves us or not… the good news is that you have all the power to change what your brain finds to ensure success in whatever you do.

So today, I’m introducing you to the concept of confirmation bias and how it might be showing up in your weight loss journey. If you’re thinking about weight loss as hard, or as something you just can’t do successfully, loves, you never will.

Join me this week to discover how your confirmation biases might be keeping you stuck and how to start asking different questions so the process starts working for you, instead of against you. I love using this process in all aspects of my life, including business, which has never been easier, so trust me on this one.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. How is confirmation bias showing up as a negative in your life right now?
  2. How is confirmation bias showing up as a positive in your life right now?
  3. What do I want to believe about losing weight?

What You’ll Discover:

  • What confirmation bias is and how it shows up in weight loss.
  • Why two people with the same experience can have different interpretations of what happened. 
  • How our brains look for evidence of what we believe to be true. 
  • Why we have to continually challenge our thoughts and beliefs. 

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