Do you love food?
Maybe you love sweets or maybe it’s McDonald’s fries.
Food is an important part of our lives.
We celebrate our traditions with food.
For some of us, years of dieting, binging, and restricting led us to believe that we couldn’t control ourselves around food.
When I was on the diet roller coaster, I never really enjoyed the food. I never really tasted it or savored it.
Food is not love. Food does not love you back. It’s a substance that has nutrients and water in it to help us live and survive.
Food has probably caused you a lot of pain.
This work is about understanding your relationship with food so that you can start to heal it and start to change it.
Through this work, I’ve learned to pay attention to my hunger and fullness.
It no longer provides an emotional need for me.
I live in abundance with food. I don’t restrict. I don’t tell myself I can’t have food.
In today’s episode, I want to help you lose the shame with it so that you can come into awareness that you are in control and that you may enjoy food, it’s just not the center of your universe.
In this episode…
≫[1:44] You have this story that you love food, and it evolves to not being able to control yourself.
≫[5:43] We have deep connections to food and as you’re doing this work, it’s good to understand what those connections are.
≫[6:43] Marketing by the food industry.
≫[7:55] Is the thought, I love food, serving me anymore?
≫[10:12] You do control yourself.
≫[11:27] I live in abundance with food.
≫[12:57] My take.
50% Complete
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