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Ep. #225: How to Overcome Diet Perfectionism

Are you a perfectionist?

Do you think you aren’t a perfectionist because you have failed at weight loss?

We all have this idea about what is perfect. It’s subjective.

We hold ourselves to these very high standards in our minds.

This is the mental weight of weight loss.

We put time pressures and health pressures on ourselves.

We worry about failing and about the shame and judgment that accompany it.

When this happens, we just stop. We become paralyzed.

In today’s episode, I teach you some language around perfectionism and how to overcome diet perfectionism.


In this episode…

≫[3:16] I’m not perfect because I failed.

≫[3:47] Perfection just lives in our minds.

≫[5:18] A lot of my thoughts were just rolling around in my subconscious.

≫[6:24] What does diet perfectionism look like?

≫[7:52] Perfectionism, it’s sabotaging your weight loss efforts because you don’t associate yourself as a perfectionist.

≫[9:18] Change is danger to our brains. Our brains like us to stay the same.

≫[10:17] When you try to change everything, you’re just setting yourself up to not do anything.

≫[12:46] You know that you cannot cut out carbs and sugar for the rest of your life, so when you try to do that, you will sabotage.

≫[14:06] The opposite of perfectionism is failure.

≫[14:16] How you overcome diet perfectionism is by being compassionate with yourself and allowing yourself to fail and learn and move forward.


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