I remember a time when trying to lose weight was this vicious cycle of overeating and keeping secrets from my family, friends, and coworkers. Loves, this left me feeling isolated and lonely, and I know you’ve experienced the same. So today, I’m showing you why weight loss can feel so lonely, and how you can break out of this cycle to get off the diet rollercoaster for good.
I hear from so many of my clients – and I have thought this myself – that the way to lose weight successfully is to feel disgusted at my body, to hate it into thinness. While this can feel like the right course of action, loves, it’s only going to leave you searching for more food to comfort you.
Join me this week to learn how you can fall back in love with yourself to end the struggle and free yourself of shame and judgment. Freedom from all of this negativity is possible for you just by making different choices, and I’m giving you a couple of ways you can start doing this today.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
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