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Ep. #230: The Cycle of the Right Time

How many times have you pushed yourself off waiting for the right time?

The “right time” is made up.

There’s no right order of life.

You decide now’s the time to start your weight loss journey.

You clean out your pantry of all the non-diet food and you follow your plan.

You don’t feel very good, but you power through it.

Then, life happens.

You start telling yourself this isn’t the right time, and you start slowly quitting on yourself and you repeat this cycle over and over.

Telling yourself “this just isn’t the right time” is just a way of giving yourself an out.

Fear wins every single time you tell yourself it’s not the right time.

The right time just gives you a reason to stay safe and comfortable.

There is no right time. Ladies, you don’t have to start over or catch up.

If you want to know what to do, listen to this week’s episode of the Weight Loss for Successful Women podcast.


In this episode…

≫[1:26] The socially acceptable order of life.

≫[2:23] What happens to a lot of people is if they don’t do things in the right order, they start having a lot of shame and judgment.

≫[3:35] The cycle of the right time in weight loss.

≫[5:24] There’s no right order in this life of how to do things. The right time is just a way that you give yourself an out.

≫[6:19] What to do.


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