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Ep. #24: Why Diets Don't Work

I spent over 38 years stuck on the diet rollercoaster, and it got to a point where I wanted off for good. So many of the women I work with struggle with the vicious cycle of dieting, of focusing on the wrong thing, whether it’s calories or points, and not looking inward to what their body actually needs.

Eliminating whole food groups, all the meal plans, exercise plans, programs… I’ve tried them all, and I am so happy to say that I’ve finally ditched that life and couldn’t be happier. This is what I want for you too, loves. I know that for a lot of you, it’s more normal to be on a diet than not, just like I was, and it’s time to change this story to actually start losing weight successfully.

Join me this week as I show you why diets don’t work, and instead, what you can begin focusing on to start losing weight long-term, without the fluctuations and binging and restricting. Losing weight doesn’t have to make you feel crazy or frustrated all the time. You don’t even have to white-knuckle your way through it, and I’m showing you how.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. How many diets have you been on?
  2. Why do you believe that the diets you’ve tried don’t work?
  3. Why do you want something different for yourself now?

What You’ll Discover:

  • The vicious cycle of dieting that I was caught in for so long. 
  • Why dieting was leaving me feeling crazy, hungry, and like a failure. 
  • How to successfully lose weight long-term.  

50% Complete

Two Step

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