Sabotage. It’s such a big word.
I think all humans do it in some way.
It’s almost normalized.
Everything is going good and then boom, the other shoe drops.
You’re in this repetitive cycle that seems to never end.
In today’s episode of the podcast, we talk about sabotage and we give you tips on what to do when you start to sabotage yourself.
In this episode…
≫[2:53] I think all humans sabotage in some way, form, or fashion in their life.
≫[4:03] Change is danger.
≫[4:54] Your results come from your thinking.
≫[6:00] The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.
≫[8:20] Sabotage comes up in so many different areas.
≫[12:14] Perfectionism.
≫[13:37] You’ll have these guardrails and these things in place that will help you move forward.
≫[14:05] Sabotaging in weight loss shows up in many ways.
≫[15:49] We prevent ourselves from having success and from reaching our goals and dreams.
≫[18:26] Be aware of when you’re doing it.
≫[19:12] Shine a light on it because fear loves to live in the dark and hidden spaces in your brain.
≫[21:03] You will never take positive action from a negative thought.
50% Complete
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