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Ep. #28: Feeling Your Feelings in a Crisis

Welcome to part two of this series that I’m doing on how to get through this crisis right now without losing yourself. Loves, we’re seeing things that we have not ever experienced before in our lifetime, and so the chaos and frenzy that you might be feeling is inevitable. Trying to push away or avoid your feelings isn’t serving you, and so today, I’m showing you how to feel your feelings.

If you’ve been struggling with the desire to eat off-plan, just like I have, it’s important to start allowing your feelings to come to the surface. Letting them bubble and build up will only lead to actions you regret, and so this is what I’m diving into today.

Listen in this week to discover how to actually feel all the emotions in your body, and what the difference is between feeling and indulging a negative feeling. One is going to help you process and release the thought causing it, and the other will lead to you buffering or taking actions that you don’t want.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What feelings have you been pushing down?
  2. Have you been avoiding or resisting feelings?
  3. Are you buffering this week?

What You’ll Discover:

  • Why feeling your feelings is so important. 
  • The difference between feeling a negative feeling and indulging in a negative feeling. 
  • How to start to feel your feelings. 
  • What buffering is. 

50% Complete

Two Step

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