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Ep. #29: How to Create Meaningful Connections

On today’s episode, I’m diving into one simple but very necessary thing that we all have to do, even though we’re practicing social distancing and staying at home: create connections.

Meaningful connections are important to us as humans at all times, pandemic or not, but in our current climate, it has never been more essential to our wellbeing. When we feel alone or disconnected, we often isolate and hide away, and for most of us, we buffer by eating. Leaving your lizard brain alone to spin out will always lead to you thinking about worst-case scenarios, and you’re not going to create the results you want from that place.

Join me this week as I show you why connection is so important, and how you have to think if you want to have results you love three or six months down the line from here. We all have a choice right now to think thoughts on purpose that serve us, and connecting with your loves ones are going to help you lean on them for support.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. Who can you video chat with right now and have a meaningful connection with?
  2. What do you do when you feel disconnected?
  3. What other ways can you feel a positive meaningful connection?

What You’ll Discover:

  • Why connection is so important in this time of social distancing. 
  • What happens when we become disconnected.
  • How I’m keeping up meaningful connections during this time. 

50% Complete

Two Step

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