For me, Easter has always been a time of big family gatherings and getting together with loved ones. 2020 has changed this tradition for my family, and I found myself in a cycle of constant worry, fearful about the future and what might be different when all of this is over. I know that some of you ladies might also be experiencing this, and today, I’m showing you how this emotion of worry isn’t serving you.
I have felt extremely heavy and exhausted this week, and through doing my daily reflection work, I’ve found that I’ve been stuck in a state of worry. Worrying about my clients, my family, about how things were changing, and about how I don’t have any control over any of it. Staying stuck here isn’t helping you take the actions you need to get the results you want, but there is a way out.
Listen in today as I show you what you do have control over, and why staying in worry is keeping you stuck. We are never promised anything other than the moment we have right now, and letting go of worry will help you move forward. I’m sharing my own discoveries of my experience of worry this week to show you that you too can find control and peace in uncertain times.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
50% Complete
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