Do you ever have moments where you’re maybe going out to a restaurant, you’ve planned what you’re going to eat, and then the breadbasket comes out and the urge to eat off-plan is so strong that you find yourself negotiating with your brain? The simple thought, “But I want it,” is one that has kept many of us on the diet roller coaster and it makes us forget what we want long-term and choose what we want at that moment instead.
This is something we do with food over and over again, and it becomes harder to move past the urge to eat something off-plan when we reinforce the behavior by giving our brains the reward of what it wants. We say, “But I want it,” or some version of that, and we give in to our urges, which keeps you in the habit of overeating and indulging.
Join me on the podcast today as I show you how to disrupt the hostage negotiations you have with your own brain in these moments, and how you get to choose to keep your commitments to yourself and be in integrity instead. Doing this work will make the urges less urgent, and this is how you build new habits.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
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