With the recent launch of The Transform Society and having a new group of ladies join us, I have been busy. You ladies know Lizzy – our primitive lizard brain – and she was ramping up, giving me all the excuses for why I shouldn’t go for my walk or eat on plan. She gave me all the reasons to overeat and not care for myself, and this “busy” is keeping us on the diet roller coaster.
This excuse of being too busy keeps so many of my ladies stuck. Stuck with bodies that carry extra weight, eating food that isn’t fueling us, and more importantly, putting ourselves off. We tell ourselves that we’ll put our needs first when we get less busy, but does that actually happen?
Join me today as I show you why using the excuse of being busy is keeping you on the diet roller coaster and what is really happening when you find yourself coming up with excuses not to eat on plan or move your body. Not prioritizing your well-being only leads to an endless list of negative consequences, and so I’m showing you how to start showing up for yourself today.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
50% Complete
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