What’s one emotion that has come up for you on your weight loss journey this week? I bet overwhelm is up there, and you might even be feeling it right now. It’s an emotion that can really derail us if we don’t know how to work with it, so today, I’m showing you how we react to it and what you can do instead.
There are so many resources available to us when we start losing weight that it can be overwhelming. But overwhelm leads you down a path of staying stuck, and you end up quitting on yourself yet again. I’m showing you a different path today because overwhelm doesn’t ever have to stunt your success.
Listen in today as I show you why overwhelm so often derails us on our weight loss journey, and how it’s a prelude to quitting. I’m sharing three things you can do when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, so you can keep going without quitting or starting over.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
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