How many times have you heard the phrase, “Failure is not an option?” This is something many of us have instilled into us, and it’s a phrase that I remember being told all the time. We think failing, making mistakes, or coming across challenges is a negative thing to be avoided at all costs, but today, I’m inviting you to see how it could be the missing piece to your weight loss success.
When we’ve spent years on the diet roller coaster, the thought of trying something new can be extremely daunting. We keep getting back on, trying the next new thing and failing, and so plucking up the courage to invest in ourselves yet again isn’t exactly appealing. But I truly believe that failing is the only way to your dreams, and I’m showing you why.
Listen in this week as I share three things you can do to make failure less scary. These tips will help disrupt the perfectionistic mind that believes any type of failure means the end of the world, and they will help you show up for the whole journey, even when you slip and make a mistake or don’t keep a commitment to yourself.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
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