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Ep. #62: Self-Love and Why it is Necessary to Lose Weight

Welcome to the first episode in a three-part series on love and how important it is if you want to get off the diet roller coaster and lose weight permanently. This week we’ll be focusing on self-love, what it is, and why we need it.

When I speak to my ladies in Transform, so many of them don’t see where they could be showing themselves more love and compassion instead of beating themselves up. And so today, I want to show you what this looks like, and how you can start to change the way you speak to yourself, so you can show yourself more love and see the results on the scale for years to come.

Join me on the podcast this week to discover why self-love is a non-negotiable part of losing weight for good. I’m sharing what true self-love looks and feels like, and I want to help you see where your words are stopping you from losing weight without you even realizing it.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What are two commitments you want to make for yourself?
  2. What is the conversation that you’re having with yourself?


What You’ll Discover:

  • Why self-love is absolutely necessary if you’re going to lose weight and stay off the diet roller coaster.
  • The 2 things that contribute most to self-love.
  • How we beat ourselves up without even realizing we’re doing it.
  • What you can do to work on loving yourself so you can lose weight for good.

50% Complete

Two Step

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