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Ep. #66: Want to Have Success in 2021?

Christmas is over and 2021 is right around the corner, I cannot believe it. It feels almost like a requirement this time of the year for us to sit down and think of all that we want to accomplish in the next year to come. We usually always include some sort of weight loss goal and make our list way too long and unattainable, then end up beating ourselves up for it just a couple months into the year because it’s not being done perfectly.

On this episode I will share with you how I reflected on 2020 and then how I make a plan for 2021. I love using this time of year to really reflect and to use that to help me grow, serve and learn. It’s so important that we are not only looking forward to all the new and exciting things we will accomplish and experience in the next year, but also to reflect on all that’s happened in the last year. What are things that we were challenged by, what did we learn, what would we do differently the next time. I encourage you to plan a time to sit and reflect on it all of last year.

Come and join me as I give you 3 tips on the secret to success when creating goals for the new year that will leave you feeling empowered and curious instead of overwhelmed and beating yourself up.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What success and challenges did you have in 2020?
  2. What successes do you want in 2021?
  3. How are you planning to fail? 


What You’ll Discover:

  • How to set goals and plan for 2021.
  • How you can learn to have failures and not beat yourself up.
  • How you can benefit from planning to fail

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