Happy New Year! This is the first podcast episode of 2021. As we look back at 2020, we may just want to decide that we’re forgetting the year even happened. We are taught that we should always strive for happiness but what that does is make us feel like something is going wrong when we have pain or fear or shame. Life is 50/50 love.
What I have learned is that we need to allow ourselves to feel all of the emotions. The positive and the negative ones. When we take the time to feel our negative emotions, the ones we usually push aside and don’t deal with, then what it does is helps us feel the positive ones at a higher vibration. Who doesn’t want that, right?
On this episode I will teach you the secret to weight loss. Don’t worry love it’s not another food plan where you have to restrict or workout for 3 hours a day. I call it the 3 C’s. There are three different components that are all necessary to losing weight for good and really live your best life in a body that you love. These have not only helped me in my weight loss journey but also in my relationships. It’s been life changing.
Come and join me to learn the secret to lose weight in a way that will help you get off the diet roller coaster for the very last time.
50% Complete
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