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Ep. #69: Decisions and How They Impact Your Weight Loss

Do you think that the daily decisions you make, whether small or big, have an impact on your weight loss? They have a much bigger impact than we even realize. We make so many decisions throughout the day that our brains get tired and it can feel like decision fatigue. When we are feeling this way, it can leave us looking like a deer in headlights and we end up not doing anything at all, just staying exactly where we are.

You are not going to want to miss this episode as I dive deep into the decisions that we make and how they have an impact on our weight loss. Come listen as I share two tips with you that I use to help me stay out of indecision. Start with these two doable actions and you’ll feel so much freedom when it comes to making a decision.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What decision do you need to make that is causing some chaos in your mind right now?
  2. What are the good and bad consequences of making that decision?
  3. What do you need to do to decide and commit to that decision right now?


What You’ll Discover:

  • Why when it comes to decision making do we feel exhausted and overwhelmed.
  • Two tips to help you stay out of indecision.
  • How you can identify your triggers that keep you stuck

50% Complete

Two Step

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