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Ep. #73: Struggling to Change?

We just celebrated Valentine’s Day, and I know how Valentine’s Day can bring up so many things for us. We have these expectations of what our spouses, partners, friends should do for us. We look at social media and see others get showered with gifts or flowers, and think something has gone wrong with us. We have to learn that it is our thoughts that produce the feeling of love, not anything someone else does or doesn’t do. And if you want to learn more about relationships, listen to podcast episode 25.

On today’s episode I will be talking about change. As humans, we resist change. Our primitive brains, Lizzie as I call her, is wired to keep us safe. Anything different, or change, feels unsafe or like danger so we resist.  We go back to our automatic behaviors. We find ourselves eating the whole bag of chips or cookies and then asking ourselves how we did that.

Listen in today as I teach you how to go from resisting change to living in transformation. Think of how much you have changed – transformed – from your 20-year-old self. Join me and I will dive deep into two tips to go from resisting change to living in transformation. Living in transformation is changing our thoughts, living in discomfort. Your dreams and goals are on the other side of being comfortable.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What are you resisting?
  2. What do you need to practice thinking to produce the results that you want in your life? 


What You’ll Discover:

  • That we are never too old to still dream, change
  • That you can still feel uncomfortable and have evidence that you can change
  • How small, simple steps can lead to change

50% Complete

Two Step

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