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Ep. #75: Moms – A Special Episode for Anyone Who is, or Has a Mom

We are at episode 75. Can you believe it! Every 25 episodes I like to talk about relationships, leaderships, something that helps support our weight loss journey. Today, I am talking about moms. This episode is going to release on the anniversary of my mom’s passing, and I want to dedicate this episode to her. So if you are a mom, have a mom or a mother-in-law that is hard for you, you will not want to miss this episode.

In today’s episode I will be talking about our relationships that we have with our mom’s, mother-in-laws, step-moms, and also has a mother.  Ladies, we are human, and we are complicated. One of the most complicated relationships we have are with our mothers or mother-in-laws. They can go from being to the best to being the worst to everything in between. And no matter the relationship it can be complicated.  We put mothers – all mothers – on a pedestal, for either them to live up to our expectations, or for ourselves to live up to as mothers.  Join me today as I teach you how to change your thoughts and what you believe about your mother and about yourself as a mother. You have the power to decide what to think and feel around this relationship.

It all starts with us. When we can love ourselves and forgive ourselves, then we can forgive and love them. I choose love. What will you choose?



What You’ll Discover:

  • How to get rid of the manual you have for your mother or mother-in-law, and for yourself as a mother
  • How changing your thoughts around your relationship with your mom, mother-in-law, step-mom, or with yourself as a mother can change everything
  • How to take your power back and stop being the victim in your relationships

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