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Ep. #79: Transform Cheat Code to Weight Loss – Awareness

This episode of the podcast is the beginning of a four-part series on the Transform Cheat Code to Weight Loss, and each week for the next four weeks I am going to introduce you to one of the pillars.  Today, we will really be diving into the first pillar, Awareness.  For so long we thought weight loss was about the food. But honestly, the more I do this work, and something you will learn too, it’s something I see in my clients, it is not about the food at all, but about our mindset. Through my program, Transform Weight Loss Program, I teach you how to change your mindset, and of course throw in brain hacks along the way. I see so many of my clients being successful, losing weight, having better relationships, really becoming these amazing women, all due to changing their mindset and coming into awareness.

For so long, we have been like robots, just walking around our lives on autopilot. Listen in today as I talk about to how to break this cycle, and just become aware. Aware of our thoughts. Aware of our feelings. Aware of how food feels in our bodies. How becoming aware of all our thoughts, feelings, and actions can lead to our success. I challenge you today to start with one thing to be aware of. What will you decide to start paying attention to? A thought, feeling, your hunger?

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. How can you become more aware?
  2. How will you set yourself up for success?



What You’ll Discover:

  • The first pillar of the Transform Cheat Code to Weight Loss – Awareness
  • How becoming aware – of our feelings, thoughts, actions, can lead to success
  • How to get out ourselves out of the autopilot mode

50% Complete

Two Step

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