On today’s show we are going to get into the second pillar of the cheat code. Planning. Now my love, if you think planning is not your thing, you for sure will want to listen because I felt this way too, but it has changed everything for me. We are in the middle of a four-part series on the Transform Cheat Code to Weight Loss. Planning is using our prefrontal cortex instead of our automatic brain. You know I’m a little bit of a nerd when it comes to the brain. Have you ever felt like you were eating against your own will or why it was just so hard to lose weight? The reasons diets don’t work is because it’s not about the food or an exercise plan.
Join me today as I teach you the two pieces to planning. You have been listening to your primitive brain, aka Lizzie, for so long trying to keep you safe, you have to learn how to talk to Lizzie more than you listen to her. Listen is as I dive in how to break your diet brain and learn to keep commitments to yourself. I will give you two tools to learn how to keep commitments to yourself. Remember, everything you do today affects your future self.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
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