We are in the middle of a four-part series on the cheat code to weight loss. And today we are getting into the third pillar, immersion. When I was first learning this work, the work of changing and being aware of my mindset, it was over whelming. It seemed like so much, it felt like a lot. When I was thinking back to that time, I remember going through my coach’s course like 15 times. I just kept playing all of the different videos over and over again. I was immersing myself in the work. When you become disconnected from the work Lizzie will tell you all the reasons to just quit on yourself. Remember, our brain is always seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. So our brains are trying to pull us back into the cave.
Join me tonight as I teach you how my Transform bosses are learning to be successful in their weight loss. How doing all the little things throughout the day can bring you success and you can lose weight for good. How you can decide on purpose how are you going to immerse yourself in this work and just plan when you’re going to do it – going back to the second pillar (planning). And then love, just do it. Don’t get in your head about it. You are worth the investment in yourself because see my love, you are a fierce boss and you deserve a life of your dreams in a body that you love.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
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