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Ep. #85: How Taking Action On Your Weight Loss Goals Really Feels

We are at episode 85. Can you even believe it? We are only 15 episodes away from 100 and we’re going to do something pretty special for episode 100. You will not want to miss it. In this episode we are talking about action and how it shows up in our weight loss journey.  First, let me share with you this story about when I hired a personal trainer. It was about 14 years ago. She was super fit and nice. I showed up for the first session, and she measured me, gave me an exercise plan and a very strict, clean diet. At first I was very motivated. But you know how the story goes, after a few sessions, I just eventually quit, because I had not eaten as instructed, or not done all the exercises, and feeling guilty and shame. I had lost my “motivation.” But I learned I did not quit on her, I quit on me!

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into how to stop looking for that “motivation” and how to learn to keep commitments to yourself, which lead to success. Just by changing your thoughts, your mindset, around your weight, food, yourself in general, you are starting to show up for yourself and you are keeping commitments to yourself.   Do not let your lizard brain, aka Lizzie, pull you back into the cave. When you come to terms that you will most likely never have the motivation to do things that you’ll not want to do it, and then you do it anyways, that is where the magic lives.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What are the one to two actions you’re going to take to show up and honor your commitment to yourself?
  2. What is the mind chatter, excuses, thoughts that Lizzie will serve up to keep you from doing it?
  3. What is the next best action that you will take right now for your future self?


What You’ll Discover:

  • How to talk to yourself more than you listen to yourself
  • How taking the next best action will lead to weight loss
  • How you can become the unstoppable boss you were always meant to be

50% Complete

Two Step

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