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Ep. #9: Become the Scientist of Your Body

I spent 38 years on the diet roller coaster trying absolutely everything. Low-fat, Atkins, keto, you name it, I’ve tried it. We have spent so long being taught that some foods are healthy and some aren’t, but I’m questioning this belief on the podcast today.

I’m sharing how truly learning how food feels in my body has changed my life completely and I want to show you how you can start doing this for yourself too. Different foods feel different to each of us, and one thing that works for one person won’t necessarily work for you too. Becoming the scientist of your body and tuning into your body signals is key, and I’ve got some tips for you on how you can start doing this.

I’m giving you permission today to listen to your own body. We can stop listening to others or asking people who we think are experts on what we should be eating, and this could be the thing that alters your diet journey forever.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What beliefs do you have around healthy and not healthy food?
  2. What would you have to think to start becoming the scientist of your own body?

I am so excited to be bringing you this show, and to celebrate the launch of the podcast I’m giving away $50 Amazon gift cards to 12 lucky listeners.

What You’ll Discover:

  • Why I believe we have all been on the diet roller coaster.
  • A look into what my dieting journey looked like in the past.
  • Why I don’t teach or recommend a specific diet to lose weight.
  • What I’ve learned when I started listening to my body.
  • How to start figuring out what foods fuel your body.

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