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Ep. #91: What is Hard About Losing Weight and What To Do

Have you thought that weight loss is hard?

I used to avoid hard things, I wanted to be comfortable.

This actually kept me stuck on the diet roller coaster. I recently was on a walk, and it was 100 degrees, it was hot. Every thought was about not going, quitting, and my brain gave me all the reasons why I should just quit, go home, not even start.

But I allowed those thoughts without making them mean anything – they were just sentences in my brain. Learning that hard is just a word – and that I get to decide how I want to think about it.

The hard is what has made me who I am, it is what has helped me lose weight, start a company, and help hundreds of women.

You do hard – you do lots of hard things. Weight loss is easy and hard. Learning how to embrace the hard is everything – it will help you lose weight for the last time.

 In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • What is hard about losing weight.
  • Why you choose comfort and how it keeps you stuck on the diet roller coaster.
  • How to embrace the hard and keep moving forward in your weight loss journey.

Transformational questions:

  1. What reoccurring thoughts come up for you when you are showing up for yourself? Like I don’t have time, it is too hot, I should be doing something else…
  2. What would change for you if you started to love the hard?

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