How many times have you started a diet saying to yourself you were going to do everything perfectly?
Perfect is just a lie we tell ourselves. It just keeps us stuck on the diet roller coaster.
We are doing a book club this month in Transform – Finish by Jon Acuff. He has a quote: “The day after perfect is the most important day” – Learning to fail. Failure has led to my success. Life is not perfect.
You can have freedom in food. How to have allowance. Restriction keeps us stuck on the diet roller coaster. All restriction does is lead to overeating.
By cutting your goals in half or extending your time you will have success. Set minimum baselines for yourself so you can see your success – Goals are a marathon, not a sprint.
Leave your Hiding Places – Hiding places keep us doing things away from our goals. I call our hiding places buffering. Difficult work, hard work – it doesn’t happen by accident.
Join me in today’s episode where we dive into how to have fun in weight loss. Weight loss can be fun!
In today’s episode, you will discover:
Transformational questions:
50% Complete
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