I’m coming off the back of a pretty crazy week. Between taking my daughter-in-law to the hospital, my husband being in a minor car accident, and noticing some fraud on my bank account, I was also grappling with the launch of my new program. It was a week full of emotion, for sure. However, it really reaffirmed my belief in today’s topic.
Life throws a lot of challenges our way and it’s impossible to feel totally positive 100% of the time. However, if we embrace the idea that every aspect of life has to be 50% good and 50% bad, then we will always be well-equipped to cope when things start going in a direction we didn’t expect.
Tune in this week as I share why, even though we want it, nothing in life is ever 100% positive for long, and how accepting the inevitability that we will experience negative emotion will help you avoid reaching for that cupcake when things do get stressful.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
Loves, I want to talk about what’s keeping us stuck and the beliefs that we hold that are stopping us from losing weight. Limiting beliefs are nothing new, but it might surprise you how they’re showing up undetected.
Especially over the holidays, we make excuses for why we are eating off-plan. I did this for years. And if we don’t check in on our limiting thoughts, we can actually make these mistakes all year round and not even realize that our lack of progress is completely self-inflicted.
Tune in this week as I discuss the four most common limiting-beliefs when it comes to weight loss and how to become the watcher of these unhelpful thoughts so that you can catch them as they come up for you and look at what you can believe instead.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
For years, I would set New Year’s resolutions and not meet any of them. Every year, weight loss was high on the list and I always believed that this would be the year I was going to change for good. But like so many, I would give up as soon as things became uncomfortable.
But keep listening, loves. I have an alternative for you that will provide the foundation for real success in the year ahead.
We are officially in 2020 and I’m thinking deeply about what I want to accomplish, so I’m coming at you with a short and sweet demonstration of my process for setting goals for the next year. Join me this week for a guide to setting simple, realistic goals, and most importantly, sticking to them.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
What realistic success do you want in 2020?
What challenges could you face in achieving your success?
We just had an early Christmas celebration with our family a few days ago, and I was asking my grandkids what they want to be when they grow up. And every time, their answers amaze me. Kids love to dream. Then, as life goes on, we gradually stop dreaming.
We tell ourselves that whatever we have is good enough and we should be grateful. However, loves, dreaming just like we did when we were kids is still possible for us, while still being grateful for what we have.
Join me on the podcast this week as I introduce a concept called Future Self. This work has propelled everything that I do today. Everything I do, even the small stuff, takes who I want to be in the future into consideration, and this practice is changing my whole world. The future starts today, not tomorrow.
For so many years, when I would go out and see skinny people – especially eating dessert – I would think to myself, “Why can’t I be normal, like her?” And I didn’t realize it at the time, but that perception of normal, that I had made up in my head, was leading to so much drama for me. It’s crazy.
I just wanted to be this definition of normal for so long. I wanted to eat whatever I wanted, eat all the sugar, and not gain a pound. Then, while at a retreat, I realized that this desire to be normal was really creating only one thing in my life: deprivation.
Listen in this week, love, and discover the truth about what it means to really be normal, why our perception of normal is not grounded in reality, and how chasing this idea of eating whatever you want and being comfortable is always available to you.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
If you’ve been on any sort of weight loss journey, I can guarantee you’ve been faced with some diet beliefs that we’ve all been told at some point in our lives. Myths and beliefs about what you should be doing can seem helpful, but today, I want to show you how they’re actually keeping you stuck on the diet roller coaster for good.
Releasing these diet beliefs was crucial to me actually losing weight in the long-term, and I want the same results for you. I’m diving into eight myths today and busting them to show you that all they’re doing is causing you more suffering than necessary, and how you might actually be self-sabotaging your progress by holding onto them.
Join me this week, loves, as I crack eight diet beliefs – of which I’m sure there are hundreds of others out there – to give you a new perspective on how to start losing weight for good. Some of these will be hard to let go of, but I hope this work helps you see that...
Being on the diet roller coaster can lead us to look for some extreme solutions, right, ladies? Magical pills or shakes that seem to be the answer aren’t, and they just make us want to throw in the towel even more when they don’t work.
I’m sharing two tools that are often overlooked but absolutely crucial to losing weight for good with you today, and I want you to stay with me here. When you find out what they are, you might think, “I’ve heard this before, but does it really help?” When I hit plateaus in my diet, after eating on plan and eating foods that fuel me, I looked to these two tools and loves, the weight dropped even more.
Join me this week to learn more about these two really simple, free tools that will keep your weight loss journey going. They aren’t necessarily the sexiest things, but I can assure you, they are super effective and will give you other incredible benefits too, besides the weight loss.
And here are this...
Fear is the biggest dream-stealer there is, ladies. Fear kept me carrying extra weight for such a long time, it keeps people in jobs and even relationships that they got bored of a long time ago. So, why does fear have this ability to keep us stuck in uncomfortableness?
We don’t trust ourselves when we’re terrified of messing up, depriving ourselves of even the slightest bit of joy in the process, and that is no way to approach a healthy lifestyle. It took me years, but I have developed a process that has enabled me to avoid the fear and place real trust in myself when it comes to food, and I know you can apply this in your own life too.
Our lizard brains feed off of our fears. They tell us things are scary because they don’t know any better, but there is no room for fear when we’re losing weight for good. So listen in this week as I discuss the 3 types of fear that keep us stuck and how you can work past them once and for all.
How is fear showing up in your...
I spent 38 years on the diet roller coaster trying absolutely everything. Low-fat, Atkins, keto, you name it, I’ve tried it. We have spent so long being taught that some foods are healthy and some aren’t, but I’m questioning this belief on the podcast today.
I’m sharing how truly learning how food feels in my body has changed my life completely and I want to show you how you can start doing this for yourself too. Different foods feel different to each of us, and one thing that works for one person won’t necessarily work for you too. Becoming the scientist of your body and tuning into your body signals is key, and I’ve got some tips for you on how you can start doing this.
I’m giving you permission today to listen to your own body. We can stop listening to others or asking people who we think are experts on what we should be eating, and this could be the thing that alters your diet journey forever.
And here are this week’s...
Getting off the diet roller coaster takes some deep inner work, and today I’m sharing a method that can be hard for us to really harness. This process takes time, but it is the key to getting off for good and living your best life.
I hear so many of my clients tell me, “No way can I love this body I’m in,” and I was in that boat for a very long time too. Our brains love to pick at all the negative parts of ourselves, and when you think you’ve overcome one negative thought, another one seems to pop up elsewhere. Today, I’m diving into what self-love really means and how you can stop beating yourself up for how you look or what you weigh to produce really lasting change.
Join me this week as I show you how loving yourself can transform everything for you. Self-love can be difficult to practice when we see so much we don’t like about ourselves, but beating yourself up is not the way forward.
And here are this week’s transformational...
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