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Creating Her Best Life Podcast

Welcome to Creating Her Best Life Now, the go-to podcast for women ready to step into their full potential and design a life they truly love. Hosted by certified Master Life Coach Shannan Christiansen, this inspiring show is tailored for women who seek clarity, empowerment, and actionable strategies to overcome life's challenges and achieve personal and professional success.
Each week, Shannan dives into topics ranging from mindset mastery and goal setting to self-care and relationship building, providing expert insights and practical tools that empower listeners to take bold steps toward their dreams. Whether you're navigating a career shift, building confidence, or looking for ways to enhance your well-being, Creating Her Best Life Now delivers the guidance you need to thrive.
Join our community of ambitious women and discover how to rewrite your story, find your purpose, and create a life youā€™re proud to call your own. Because your best life isnā€™t just a dreamā€”it starts now!

Ep. #120: The Grind of Weight Loss

Dec 30, 2024

I am always watching my clients – listening to what they say, what they write, how they show up, what is challenging for them. I study them. Because I love them and want them to have success. 

I know so many of us have made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, so we start a diet and are all in, only to quit after a few weeks because it just wasn’t fun or exciting anymore. The newness wears off, and it just becomes a “grind.”

Join me in this week’s episode as I teach you that the grind is your path to path to freedom from the diet roller coaster, to learning to lose weight for the last time.

I will give you tips and tricks on how to love the grind.

Are you ready to find the fun and excitement in the grind?

If you find what you learn here valuable, you can help other women find this show by leaving a review and rating of the show.  Also subscribe. You can do that by hitting the follow button, clicking on the + sign in Apple or hitting...

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Ep. #119: Achieve Your Impossible Goal in 2022

Dec 30, 2024

It is now 2022, and the holidays are over just like that.  We are in a new year.

This show is about how I look at my goals, what process I take, and my year in review with all the amazing things of 2022.

Join me in this episode as I dive deep on how to lose weight for the last time from the inside out.

I will take you through my process of setting goals and how it helped me achieve my weight loss goal.

I will teach you how life is 50/50 – both amazing and hard, you will have success and challenges and failures. But yet, just embrace it all. You can learn to feel all the emotion and then go do the thing anyways.

I will teach you some tips and tricks on how I reach my goals I set.

If you want to lose weight for the last time this year – in a way that is with love – it is not about the food plan. It is about your thoughts and feelings. Get a coach. Come join us on Feb 9 in Transform Boss Weight Loss.

And if you want to take this work deeper, become the person...

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Ep. #118: How Dieting has Affected the Way You Eat

Dec 30, 2024

In my Transform Boss community, one of our ladies had an epiphany and it is the inspiration for this episode because I too had this when I was losing my weight. I was on so many diets and I had this mentality of all in or all out – that I was good when I was eating “healthy,” and I was being bad when I was eating anything “unhealthy.” I was either all in or all out. Can you relate to this?

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into how to break your diet brain and how to start just becoming aware of what you think about food.

I will give you my first tool I teach all my ladies to learn how to break the diet cycle for good. You will learn about fuel foods and non-fuel foods.

Becoming aware of all of our thoughts around the food we eat is key to losing weight.

Losing weight is an inside job and it starts with how you think and what you believe, not only about yourself but also what you think and believe about food.

If you find what you learn here...

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Ep. #117: Interview with Paul: How His Love has Helped Me

Dec 30, 2024

We have a very special episode for our podcast. This is being released the week of Christmas, and I wanted to do something special. So, I wanted to have my love on the show with me. Paul and I have been married for 13 years, and I just wanted to share a sneak peak into our lives on the podcast.  Today, we also have a special guest host – Jenn Taylor. She is one our Transform weight loss coaches. She will be asking us all of the questions.

Join us in this very special episode and learn how we met, what inspires us both in the other person, and how we make time for each just for each other.

You will learn about some of the dreams we both have – for ourselves, our family, and our company. Just living extraordinary lives.

Thank you for listening to this sneak peek into our lives and about us.

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • Just a little bit about us – how we met, what we love most about each other
  • How dropping the manual for each other completely...
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Ep. #116: How Playing Small is Hindering Your Weight Loss

Dec 30, 2024

In episode 62, I introduced how I teach self-love and why it is important in your weight loss journey. I taught what self-love means to me – keeping commitments and talking to myself in a way with love. Today I want to dive a little deeper into this concept and why it is a must as you grow and evolve.

I am sure for most of us we were taught from a young age not to appear “too proud” or “too boastful,” not to brag, etc. I think for most of us this just caused us to internalize it to mean don’t be proud of your accomplishments or capabilities, don’t feel beautiful, don’t be too bright and shiny.  So, we downplay our accomplishments. We stay small.

This is important to become aware of how this is showing up in your weight loss journey – shoot your life journey. How you are keeping yourself small, and how you are putting limits on how much success and love you can have in your life.

I will teach you how when we love ourselves...

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Ep. #115: Are You Waiting for the Right Time to Start?

Dec 30, 2024

Let’s talk about the right time. I see and hear this a lot. I will start after vacation, or after the holidays, or after the winter.

When we delay starting, we also delay our progress, which ends up delaying our results.

This comes from fear. Fear that you will fail. What if I don’t lose the weight?

I also thought I needed to be perfect. I thought I needed to do everything perfectly.

When we can’t be perfect, then we don’t show up. We will come up with all the excuses – I will start Monday, after Christmas, once there all the “bad” food is out of the house.

This just keeps us stuck on the diet roller coaster.

Join me in this episode as I give you some simple tools to break your diet brain and teach you how to just start today where you are at. Are you ready to learn to fail, but not quit?

And come into Transform Boss Weight Loss on February 9. I will teach you how to lose weight for the last time through freedom, allowance, and love. ...

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Ep. #114: Disconnected and What it Really Means

Dec 30, 2024

Ladies – we are in the full swing of the holidays!

I have been thinking about today’s show because especially during busy seasons of our lives or during holidays, we disconnect from ourselves. We stop showing up for ourselves, we go into our automatic brains, old beliefs and patterns.

Disconnection is a trigger – an alert warning that you are believing you must be perfect and do all the things. When you disconnect, you are taking care of everyone else and not yourself.

Join me in this episode as I teach you how to stop disconnecting and start showing up for yourself.

Just by starting with 1 simple step, and doing it again and again. Then failing. Then taking the next best action. And repeat.

What one small thing will you do today for you to show up for yourself?

If you find what you learn here valuable, you can help other women find this show by leaving a review and rating of the show.  Also subscribe; you can do that by hitting the follow button, clicking on...

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Ep. #113: 10 Lessons From the First 50

Dec 30, 2024

Today is a very special episode.

I am turning 50 this week!

I want to share with you what I have learned in my first 50 years and what I want to do with the next 50 years.

Join me in this very special episode as I give you 10 lessons, I have learned in my first 50 years. Things like forgiveness, beliefs, failing, and most of all, love.

And how each of these lessons has led me to where I am today.

How each of these lessons helped me to lose weight for good and to live in a body I love.

I will also share 5 things I am going to do in my next 50 years. 

Things like less hustle and more rest. Helping women live their best life in a body they love.

Thank you for being a part of my first 50 years. I can’t wait to see what we do together in my next 50 years.

I believe in love. And Love, we are going to keep moving forward.

And if you want to go deeper on this work – do the free 8-day podcast challenge, go to

In today’s episode, you will...

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Ep. #112: Habit Eating and Breaking the Habit

Dec 30, 2024

Do you find yourself always overeating at night or on the weekends? Maybe it is when you get home from work or after you pick your kids up. This is what I like to call habit eating. In this episode I am going to help you start to change the habit for good.

I wanted to do this episode because I get so many questions around eating at night or weekends or certain times of the day.

We have developed so many habits, you know the ones I mean – every day at 2 p.m. you are looking for the candy bar, or at nighttime when watching TV you are reaching for the popcorn.

I will dive deep in this episode how these habits are caused by triggers and how to recognize those triggers in order to understand them, and what to do when a trigger happens.

Join me in this episode as I teach about how to change your habits by coming into awareness of these triggers.

I will give you tips on how to break these old habits and create new ones.

Are you ready for some new habits?

If you find what you learn...

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Ep. #111: Mourning the Loss of Your Overweight Identity

Dec 30, 2024

For most of my life, I was overweight. I developed an overweight identity. As I was losing my weight, I had to step into a new version of myself and develop a new identity. I had to start creating the mindset of a person who was not battling her weight, who loved her body, who did not obsess about food – Developing what I like to call my BFLY identity.

Join me in this episode as I will be talking about our overweight identity, and how to mourn the loss of that overweight identity in order to move on to the next version of yourself.

We have tied so many (false) beliefs around food and what we make it mean about us. Made it our identity. And all it does is sabotage our success and keeps us stuck.

I will teach you how to step into the next version of yourself and how to practice new thoughts and beliefs around this – to let go of your overweight identity once and for all and become your BFLY identity.

And make sure you mark February 9, 2022 on your calendar. Transform will...

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