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Creating Her Best Life Podcast

Welcome to Creating Her Best Life Now, the go-to podcast for women ready to step into their full potential and design a life they truly love. Hosted by certified Master Life Coach Shannan Christiansen, this inspiring show is tailored for women who seek clarity, empowerment, and actionable strategies to overcome life's challenges and achieve personal and professional success.
Each week, Shannan dives into topics ranging from mindset mastery and goal setting to self-care and relationship building, providing expert insights and practical tools that empower listeners to take bold steps toward their dreams. Whether you're navigating a career shift, building confidence, or looking for ways to enhance your well-being, Creating Her Best Life Now delivers the guidance you need to thrive.
Join our community of ambitious women and discover how to rewrite your story, find your purpose, and create a life youā€™re proud to call your own. Because your best life isnā€™t just a dreamā€”it starts now!

Ep. #27: Solutions to Help You Manage Your Fears

Dec 30, 2024

Things are changing rapidly around us as the Covid-19 outbreak spreads, and I know this is impacting all of us in various ways. When things change so quickly, it’s inevitable for fear and uncertainty to come up, and I’m offering two solutions to help you manage your negative emotions during this time.

Unfortunately, we can’t control the world or what is happening, but we can manage our minds. Feeling bad and staying stuck in a cycle of negative feelings is only going to lead to eating, and in three or six months, seeing weight gain that you don’t want. It’s important to keep showing up for yourself as you would normally, and I’m giving you a couple of simple solutions you can use to do this.

Join me this week as I remind you that this too shall pass, my love. It’s easy in times of fear to push that feeling down with food, but it will never work. I want different, better results for you, and these two simple life rafts I’m offering up...

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Ep. #26: Pain Vs. Suffering

Dec 30, 2024

As humans, pain is something that’s inevitable – we all experience it. I went through a dark period after going through a divorce at 22, and I continued to feel the devastation long after, and I kept suffering. Loves, while pain is unavoidable, suffering is a choice, and that’s what I’m diving into today.

A practice I have all of my clients do is go back and rewrite their past. This can be so powerful, and this is how I changed my story, to end the suffering once and for all. We all have the option to fall victim to our past experiences, or we can evolve and become more powerful because of it. I choose power and love, and I want you to as well.

Join me this week to see how suffering might be a choice you’re making in your life. Showing up as your best self makes you unstoppable, and once you start the process of rewriting your past, you’ll see transformation not only in your weight loss journey, but everywhere else in your life too.

And here...

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Ep. #25: Our Expectations and Manuals

Dec 30, 2024

Loves, we’ve reached 25 episodes here on the podcast, and I’ve decided that every 25 episodes, I’ll be giving you ladies a bonus teaching on something other than just weight loss, because that’s not all our lives are about, right?

So today, I’m going to be introducing you to a concept called “the manual.” Our relationships are such a key part of our lives, and the manuals we have for other people bring us so much suffering and drama when we don’t understand how they’re playing out in our daily lives, which I guarantee you that they are. Letting them go can be so freeing and help you feel more love for the people around you, and who doesn’t want to feel more love?

Join me this week to gain a better understanding of how you can make your relationships healthier and happier. Practicing this concept is going to free you of unnecessary drama and it has helped me in so many ways, so I’m excited for you to start seeing how...

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Ep. #24: Why Diets Don't Work

Dec 30, 2024

I spent over 38 years stuck on the diet rollercoaster, and it got to a point where I wanted off for good. So many of the women I work with struggle with the vicious cycle of dieting, of focusing on the wrong thing, whether it’s calories or points, and not looking inward to what their body actually needs.

Eliminating whole food groups, all the meal plans, exercise plans, programs… I’ve tried them all, and I am so happy to say that I’ve finally ditched that life and couldn’t be happier. This is what I want for you too, loves. I know that for a lot of you, it’s more normal to be on a diet than not, just like I was, and it’s time to change this story to actually start losing weight successfully.

Join me this week as I show you why diets don’t work, and instead, what you can begin focusing on to start losing weight long-term, without the fluctuations and binging and restricting. Losing weight doesn’t have to make you feel...

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Ep. #23: Why Weight Loss Is Lonely

Dec 30, 2024

I remember a time when trying to lose weight was this vicious cycle of overeating and keeping secrets from my family, friends, and coworkers. Loves, this left me feeling isolated and lonely, and I know you’ve experienced the same. So today, I’m showing you why weight loss can feel so lonely, and how you can break out of this cycle to get off the diet rollercoaster for good.

I hear from so many of my clients – and I have thought this myself – that the way to lose weight successfully is to feel disgusted at my body, to hate it into thinness. While this can feel like the right course of action, loves, it’s only going to leave you searching for more food to comfort you.

Join me this week to learn how you can fall back in love with yourself to end the struggle and free yourself of shame and judgment. Freedom from all of this negativity is possible for you just by making different choices, and I’m giving you a couple of ways you can start doing this...

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Ep. #22: Stop Overeating on Weekends

Dec 30, 2024

I know you’re going to relate to the topic we’re discussing on the podcast today, loves, because I hear it from pretty much all the ladies I work with, and I myself have struggled with this in the past: overeating on weekends.

Weekends, vacations, celebrations, events, these are all things that lead us off-course, eating off-plan and eating more than we want to. Fridays were my trigger because, at the end of a hectic workweek, I just wanted to relax and find comfort, which I often found in food, and I know this is your experience right now. While it can feel like a never-ending cycle that’s impossible to get out of, I promise you, this isn’t true.

Join me this week as I show you how it’s completely possible for you to stop overeating on the weekends, to not go into a full-on binge and beat yourself up over not following your realistic plan. If pleasure and joy is what you’re seeking at the end of a busy week, I’m sharing some tips on...

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Ep. #21: How Confirmation Bias Is Keeping You Stuck

Dec 30, 2024

As you know by now, our lizard brains need to be challenged consistently. They like to go out and look for evidence for whatever we believe to be true, whether it serves us or not… the good news is that you have all the power to change what your brain finds to ensure success in whatever you do.

So today, I’m introducing you to the concept of confirmation bias and how it might be showing up in your weight loss journey. If you’re thinking about weight loss as hard, or as something you just can’t do successfully, loves, you never will.

Join me this week to discover how your confirmation biases might be keeping you stuck and how to start asking different questions so the process starts working for you, instead of against you. I love using this process in all aspects of my life, including business, which has never been easier, so trust me on this one.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. How is confirmation bias showing up as a negative in...
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Ep. #20: How to Stay Clear of Indulgent Emotions

Dec 30, 2024

When we are faced with a new challenge, indulgent emotion is something that comes up for everyone. I’ve experienced it lately with the tech aspect of being a podcaster, but this is nothing new. I went through it on my weight loss journey, and I see so many people doing exactly the same thing.

Getting caught up in indulgent emotion is inevitable. It’s one thing we can rely on our lizard brain to do every time we start something transformative. But, love, you don’t have to stay stuck there.

Join me on the podcast this week and discover what indulgent emotions are most common when coming up with your realistic eating plan, and how you can see these emotions for what they are, so you can stay clear of them when they come up instead of getting trapped in inaction.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. Is what I’m thinking right now true?
  2. What would I need to think to stop feeling confused, worried, or self-pity?
  3. What would I need to feel to...
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Ep. #19: Stop Journaling and Start Reflecting

Dec 30, 2024

One thing we always hear in the self-help sphere is how useful journaling can be. However, if you’re anything like me, keeping a traditional journal every day on a consistent basis can be pretty tricky. I’ve started journaling so many times, but it always fizzles out in a couple of days. That is, until I started doing my reflection work.

Reflection work is an incredibly powerful tool to gain some insight into what’s going on in your brain and how you are doing in terms of eating to your realistic plan. Recording just three types of data every day is so much more sustainable than journaling everything in your life, and the revelations you’ll have when you look back over the data are huge.

Join me on the podcast this week and discover how reflection work can help you on your weight loss journey. I’ve created a worksheet to go along with this episode, so you can get started right away!

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

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Ep. #18: Why Drastic Action is Stopping You from Losing Weight

Dec 30, 2024

As I look back on my weight loss journey, I can remember plenty of mornings when I would wake up ready to try a new diet. I was genuinely excited each and every time, ready to start making huge changes in my life in the hopes of seeing incredible results.

Well, I’ll save you the heartache right now, love, because it did not work… ever. What has worked, however, is consistent action every day, sticking to my realistic eating plan as best I could, and not making it mean I’d had some massive failure if I didn’t manage it.

Join me on the podcast this week for some insight into why your lizard brain loves the idea of taking drastic action, and why you’re way more likely to see the results you want if you slow down and take small manageable action every single day instead.

And here are this week’s transformational questions:

  1. What actions can you do every day that will help you get off the diet rollercoaster?
  2. When you hit a challenge or failure, what...
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